Updated: List of Courses Offered In UNIBEN & their JAMB Cut Off Marks
In this article, we are going to look through the updated list of courses offered in UNIBEN, UNIBEN admission requirements, the Departments and Faculties in UNIBEN, UNIBEN JAMB cut off mark for all courses, etc. if you have been searching for any of the above, your search is over!
The official JAMB Cut Off mark for all UNIBEN courses is 200. Meanwhile, you need to score as high as possible in order to increase your chances of getting admitted. The competition in some courses like Medicine, Law, Engineering, etc. are tough; we advise you set your benchmark at 250 or above in order to give yourself an edge over your competitors.
Courses Offered in UNIBEN
As usual, we would be showing you all the courses offered in UNIBEN categorized under the various faculties they belong. UNIBEN has 15 faculties and offers over 120 courses. Lets take a look at them:
Faculty of Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics and Extension Services (AEE)
- Animal Science (ANS)
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Management (FIS)
- Crop Science (CRS)
- Forestry and Wildlife (FOW)
- Soil Science (SOS)
All the courses in this faculty are 5-year programmes
Faculty of Arts
- English and Literature (ENL)
- Fine and Applied Arts (FAA)
- Foreign Languages (FOL)
- History and International Studies (HIS)
- Linguistics Studies (LST)
- Mass Communication (MAS)
- Philosophy (PHL)
- Religions (REL)
- Theatre Arts (THR)
All courses in this faculty are 4-year programmes
Faculty of Education
- Adult Education and Non-Formal Education (ADT)
- Agricultural Science Education
- Business Education
- Computer Education
- Curriculum and Instructional Technology (CIT)
- Early Childhood Education
- Education and Biology
- Education and Chemistry
- Education and Economics
- Education and Edo Language
- Education and English and Literature
- Education and Fine and Applied Arts
- Education and French
- Education and Geography and Regional Planning
- Education and History
- Education and integrated Science
- Education and Mathematics
- Education and Physics
- Education and Political Science
- Education and Public Administration
- Education and Religious Studies
- Education and Social Studies
- Educational Evaluation and Counselling Psychology (EECP)
- Educational Foundations
- Educational Management
- Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies (EPCS)
- Environmental Education
- Health Education
- Human Kinetics
- Industrial Technical Education
- Secretarial Administration and Education
- Special Education
- Vocational and Technical Education (VTE)
All the courses in this faculty are 4-year programmes
Faculty of Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Marine Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Production Engineering
- Structural Engineering
All courses in this faculty are 5-year programmes
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Architecture
- Estate Management and Valuation
- Geomatics
- Quantity Surveying
Faculty of Law
- Business law (BUL)
- Jurisprudence and International Law (JIL)
- Law (LAW)
- Private and Property Law (PPL)
- Public Law (PUL)
Note that in the Faculty of Law, every student does all the aforementioned courses but can choose to specialize in any particular department at latter years. So, it is all seen as one course; Law. It is a 5-year programme.
Faculty of Life Sciences
- Animal and Environmental Biology (AEB)
- Applied Geophysics (AGP)
- Biochemistry (BCH)
- Botany (BOT)
- Environmental Management and Toxicology (EMT)
- Environmental Science (EVL)
- Microbiology (MCB)
- Optometry (OPT)
- Plant Biology and Biotechnology (PBB)
- Science Laboratory Technology (SLT)
- Zoology (ZOO)
Faculty of Management Sciences
- Accounting (ACC)
- Actuarial Science ACT)
- Banking and Finance (BNK)
- Business Administration (BUS)
- Centre for Entrepreneurial Development (CED)
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM)
- Human Resources Management (HRM)
- Insurance (INS)
- Marketing (MKT)
All courses in this faculty are 4-year programmes
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice (PCN)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PCH)
- Pharmaceutical Mathematics (PHM)
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology (PMB)
- Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (PCT)
- Pharmacognosy (PCG)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (PCO)
- Pharmacy (PHA)
Note that in the Faculty of Pharmacy, every student does all the aforementioned courses but can choose to specialize in any particular Department at latter years. So, it is all seen as one course; Pharmacy. It is a 6-year programme
Faculty of Physical Sciences
- Applied Geophysics (GPY)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Computer Science (CSC)
- Geology (GLY)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Physics (PHY)
- Statistics (STA)
All the courses in this faculty are 4-year courses
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine
School of Basic Medical Sciences
- Anatomy (ANA)
- Medical Biochemistry (MBC)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
- Nursing Science (NSC)
- Physiology (PHS)
- Physiotherapy (PST)
- Radiology (RAD)
School of Dentistry
- Preventive Dentistry (DPV)
- Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology (ODR)
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology (OSP)
- Periodontics (PER)
- Restorative Dentistry (RES)
Note that in the Faculty of Dentistry, every student does all the aforementioned courses but can choose to specialize in any particular department at latter years. So, it is all seen as one course; Dentistry.
School of Medicine
- Anatomy (ANT)
- Anesthesiology (ANY)
- Child Health (CHH)
- Community Health (COH)
- Haematology (HAE)
- Medicine (MED)
- Mental Health (MEH)
- Physiology (PHS)
- Surgery (SUR)
Note that in the School of Medicine, every student does all the aforementioned courses but can choose to specialize in any particular department at latter years. So, it is all seen as one course; Medicine and Surgery. It is a 7-year programme.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Economics and Statistics (ECO)
- Geography and Regional Planning (GEO)
- Political Science (POL)
- Public Administration (PUB)
- Sociology and Anthropology (SAA)
- Social Work (SWK)
All courses in this faculty are 4-year programmes
UNIBEN Admission Requirements
- Candidates must choose the University of Benin as their first choice of institution during JAMB registration.
- Candidates must score a minimum of 200 in JAMB to be considered for the University’s post UTME screening exercise.
- Candidates must score a minimum of 50 in post UTME screening exercise to be considered for admission. There are cut off marks for each department. Though, it is revised yearly based on overall performance.
- Candidates applying for Art courses must have a minimum of 5 credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Government, Economics and Literature in WAEC or NECO or its equivalent in not more than 2 sittings. Note that the results can also be combined but only if they are not more than 2 years apart. This applies to all courses under Faculties of Art and Law
- Candidates applying for Social Science and Management Science courses must have a minimum of 5 credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Accounting, Economics and Biology in WAEC or NECO or its equivalent in not more than 2 sittings. Note that the results can also be combined but only if they are not more than 2 years apart. This applies to all courses under Faculties of Social Science and Management Sciences.
- Candidates applying for Science courses must have a minimum of 5 credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Chemistry, Physics and Biology (or Technical drawing for those in Engineering or Environmental Science) in WAEC or NECO or its equivalent in not more than 2 sittings. Note that the results can also be combined but only if they are not more than 2 years apart. This applies to all courses under the Faculties of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Basic Medical Sciences, Pharmacy and Agricultural Science
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Hi,am going to apply for medicine,it’s my passion but I’m really scared about the cutoffs
Trust me, with the right preparations, you can make it. You just have to believe it and work towards it. Goodluck