Auchi Polytechnic School Fees, Acceptance fees and Payment Procedures
This article is to inform all prospective and existing students of Auchi Polytechnic of the School fees for the 2019/2020 session. In this article, we are going to give a breakdown of Auchi Poly school fees, acceptance fee and other charges. We will also guide students on how to pay their school fees and acceptance fees online through the Auchi Poly e-portal.
If you have been searching for [auchi poly acceptance fee, how much is auchi poly school fees for ND students, how much is auchi poly school fees for HND students, online course registration for old and new students, Payment procedure for 2019/2020 Auchi Poly School fees and Acceptance fees, Auchi Poly Clearance and Acceptance of Admission] then your search is over.
Breakdown of Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For ND Students
- Acceptance fee: N15,000
- Anti-cult fee: N500
- Caution fees: N500
- CEDAP fee: N3,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,000
- Dossier: N300
- Examination: N2,000
- Graduation: Nil
- ICT levy: N5,000
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1,000
- Library: N500
- Matriculation: N400
- Medical Service: N2,000
- Medical Test: N1,500
- Prospectus/CD: N800
- Registration: N350
- Scratch card fee: N1,500
- Sports: N2,000
- Student Handbook: N300
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student Union dues: N1,000
- Total: N40,750
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For ND II
- Acceptance fee: Nil
- Anti-cult fee: Nil
- Caution fees: Nil
- CEDAP fee: Nil
- Certificate Verification: Nil
- Dossier: N300
- Examination: N1,000
- Graduation: N600
- ICT levy: Nil
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1000
- Library: N500
- Matriculation: Nil
- Medical Service: N650
- Medical Test: Nil
- Prospectus/CD: Nil
- Registration: N400
- Scratch card fee: Nil
- Sports: N600
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student handbook: Nil
- Student Union Dues: N800
- Total: N6,950
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For HND I
- Acceptance fee: N25,000
- Anti-cult fee: N500
- Caution fees: N500
- CEDAP fee: N3,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,000
- Dossier: N300
- Examination: N2,000
- Graduation: Nil
- ICT levy: N5,000
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1000
- Library: N500
- Matriculation: N400
- Medical Service: N2,000
- Medical Test: N1,500
- Prospectus/CD: N800
- Registration: N350
- Scratch card fee: N1,500
- Sports: N2,000
- Student Handbook: N300
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student Union dues: N1,000
- Total: N50,750
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For HND II
- Acceptance fee: Nil
- Anti-cult fee: Nil
- Caution fees: Nil
- CEDAP fee: Nil
- Certificate Verification: Nil
- Dossier: N300
- Examination: N1,000
- Graduation: N600
- ICT levy: Nil
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1000
- Library: N500
- Matriculation: Nil
- Medical Service: N650
- Medical Test: Nil
- Prospectus/CD: Nil
- Registration: N400
- Scratch card fee: NIl
- Sports: N600
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student handbook: Nil
- Student union dues: N800
- Total: N6,950
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For Post HND I
- Acceptance fee: N25,000
- Anti-cult fee: N500
- Caution fees: N2,000
- CEDAP fee: N3,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,000
- Dossier: N500
- Examination: N4,000
- Graduation: N2,000
- ICT levy: N5,000
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1,000
- Library: N5,000
- Matriculation: N1,000
- Medical Service: N4,000
- Medical Test: N3,000
- Prospectus/CD: N2,000
- Registration: N8,000
- Scratch card fee: N1,500
- Sports: N2,000
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student handbook: N600
- Student Union Dues: Nil
- Total: N73,200
Auchi Poly School Fees & Acceptance Fee For Post HND II
- Acceptance fee: Nil
- Anti-cult fee: Nil
- Caution fees: Nil
- CEDAP fee: Nil
- Certificate Verification: Nil
- Dossier: N500
- Examination: N4,000
- Graduation: N2,000
- ICT levy: Nil
- Insurance: N500
- Lab/Workshop: N1,000
- Library: N5,000
- Matriculation: Nil
- Medical Service: N4,000
- Medical Test: nil
- Prospectus/CD: Nil
- Registration: N8,000
- Scratch card fee: Nil
- Sports: N2,000
- Student handbook: Nil
- Student Identification Card: N600
- Student Union dues: Nil
- Total: N28,100
2019/2020 Auchi Poly Acceptance Fee Payment Deadline is on the 6th of January, 2020
Payment procedure for 2019/2020 Auchi Poly School Fees and Acceptance Fees
This is to inform all newly admitted students that Auchipoly Management has approved the following procedure for both clearance and payment of administrative charges for the 2019/2020 academic session.
Clearance/Acceptance of Admission (Departmental & Online)
- Candidates can check their admission status online on the E-Notice Board.
- Successful candidates are required to proceed to their department for departmental clearance.
- Next step is to log in to the online portal (www.auchipoly-online.com) to accept the admission using the Auchi Polytechnic application number (e.g. EEE/ND0965/28745 OR EEE/HND1116/76549) as username and password.
- Click on the Accept Admission and fill the Eligibility form with your O’level results then click submit.
- For new HND students and ND returnees, you are required to type the last five (5) digits of your ND Matriculation Number during the acceptance stage.
- After accepting the admission, candidates are expected to print out their Acceptance Form. Each acceptance form carries a unique matriculation number. Candidates must ensure that their Matriculation Number tallies with their departments.
- Candidates are to ensure they print out copies of their Notification of Admission (Admission Letter).
Payment of admin charges and Acceptance Fee
- Candidates are to visit Auchi Poly Online Portal and to log in with their matriculation number.
- Then, click Generate RRR Payment Invoice. This will help generate a Remita Reference Number that will carry both acceptance fee and administrative charges together.
- Then, Candidates are to take the RRR invoice to any bank to make payment. The bank will give an e-receipt which will serve as evidence for the payment. You can also pay via the Internet (mobile banking) into Auchi Polytechnic TSA (Treasury Single Account).
DO NOT MAKE YOUR PAYMENT THROUGH Remita. Any student who pays through Remita CANNOT PROCEED to Online Registration.
Online Course Registration for Old and New Students
- Log in to the students portal with your matriculation number.
- Click on Register for 2019/2020 session
- Complete the Course Registration Form with all necessary and correct details
- Finally, Click Submit and print out 2 copies of the Course Registration form
We hope you found what you visited this page for. If you have any questions, just holla via the comment section.
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