Auchi Poly Full Admission List is Out! CHECK HERE!!!
This is to inform all candidates that the 2019/2020 full admission list for ND and HND programmes in Auchi Polytechnic is out. It is online and all batches are out! This article is specifically for everyone that has been searching for [auchi poly admission list, when will auchi poly release admission list, how to check auchi poly admission list, how to check admission status via jamb portal]. Scroll down and get the info you seek for!
How to Check Auchi Poly Admission List
There are two (2) ways you can check Auchipoly admission list. You could use either the Auchi Poly online portal or JAMB online portal.
Using Auchi Poly online platform to check admission status
- Go to Auchi Poly admission checking portal
- Select your programme of study (i.e. ND, HND or post HND).
- Select the Department you applied for
- Select your course of study
- Click on Check Admission List
- If you found your name on the list, you are advised to go to your department in Auchipoly to check if you meet your departmental requirements.
- After requirement verification, you go ahead to accept the provisional offer online and follow the procedure for administrative charges payments.
- Register your courses online and then print out the registration forms. You will be required to submit two (2) copies to your departmental clearance officer.
Note that:
- Your admission will be cancelled if you are not registered within two (2) weeks.
- Also, If you do not want to accept the admission, then there is no need to go to the Polytechnic for clearance.
- Admission is accepted and rejected via the JAMB e-platform .
- Auchipoly payments are all made online via the e-portal. No payments should be done through Remita.
Using JAMB online platform to check admission status
- Visit JAMB e-facility online.
- Log in to your JAMB profile using your username and password
- Scroll down and click on the tab indicated as Check Admission Status
- Select your exam year and input your registration number in the spaces provided
- Then, click on the tab indicated as Check Admission Status to access your Auchipoly admission status
- If you found your name on the list, check your departmental requirements to see if you are qualified.
- If you do, go ahead to accept the admission and pay administrative charges.
- Then register your courses online and print copies of the registration form. You are required to submit two (2) copies to your departmental clearance officer.
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We at schoolmetro, congratulate all successful candidates that made it into various National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND) and post HND programmes for the 2019/2020 academic session. We believe this article was helpful. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
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