NECO Syllabus For Literature In English 2020/2021
In this article, we will be sharing the full NECO syllabus for Literature in English for the year 2020/2021. Just sit back and relax!
Scheme Of Examination
- There will be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3. Papers 1 and 2 will a composite paper and will be taken at one sitting.
- Paper 1 will be a multiple choice objective test. It will contain fifty questions distributed as follows:
- Twenty questions on General Knowledge of Literature;
- Five questions on an unseen prose passage;
- Five questions on an unseen poem;
- Twenty context questions on the prescribed Shakespearean text.
- Candidates will be required to answer all the questions within 1 hour for 50 marks.
- Paper 2 will be an essay test with two sections, Sections A and B.
- Section A will be on African Prose and Section B on Non-African Prose.
- Two essay questions will be set on each of the novels prescribed for study.
- Candidates shall be required to answer one question only from each section within 1 hour 15 minutes for 50 marks.
- Paper 3 will be on the Drama and Poetry components of the syllabus.
- It will be put into four sections, Sections A, B. C and D as follows:
- There shall be two questions on each of the prescribed drama texts for Sections A and B. There shall also be two questions for each of the poetry sections ie Sections C and D.
- Candidates shall be required to answer one question from each of the sections, making a total of four questions. The paper will take 2 hours 30 minutes to complete and will carry 100 marks.
- The Unseen Prose passage for Paper 1 shall be about 120 – 150 words long.
- Only context questions shall be set on the Shakespearean text. The context questions will test such items as theme, characterization, style and setting in the Shakespearean text.
- No essay question shall be set on the Shakespearean text.
Reading Texts For 2016 – 2020
African Prose
(1) Amma Darko – Faceless (2) Bayo Adebowale – Lonely Days
Non-African Prose
(1) Richard Wright – Native Son (2) Patience Swift – The Last Goodman
*William Shakespeare: OTHELLO
Non-African Drama
(1) Oliver Goldsmith – She Stoops to conquer (2) Lorraine Hansberry – A Raisin in the Sun
African Drama
(1) Frank Ogodo Ogbeche – Harvest of Corruption (2) Dele Charley – The Blood of a Stranger
African Poetry
(1) Birago Drop – Vanity
(2) Gbemisola Adeoti – Ambush
(3) Gabriel Okara – Piano and Drums
(4) Gbanabam Hallowell – The Dinning Table
(5) Lenrie Peter – The Panic of Growing Older
(6) Kofi Awoonor – The Anvil and the Hammer
Non-African Poetry
(1) Alfred Tennyson – Crossing the Bar
(2) George Herbert – The pulley
(3) William Blake – The School Boy
(4) William Morris – The Proud King
(5) Robert Frost Birches – Birches
(6) William Shakespeare – Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day?
Thank you for reading. Don’t for get to share. Leave a comment before you leave please!
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It says reading text for 2016 – 2020, where’s the one for 2021? Or haven’t they uploaded it yet?