Making The Best Out Of The Lockdown As A Student
The Corona Virus (Covid 19) pandemic has caused a huge drift globally. The world has literally passed. The academic sector is not left out in this global pause. Schools have been shut down and students are at home. While most people are making the best out of the opportunity, others are waiting for things to resume. This article is like a wake-up call for all students who are yet to leverage this opportunity.
What Can I do, I am Indoors!
Well, you’re indoors, with the internet, your mobile phone and probably a laptop. If you are still thinking of what to do, then you need to pay more attention to the next few paragraphs.
Learn a skill!
This sounds cliche, but true. There are so many skills out there that you can acquire over this period. Think of graphic designing, website design, content creation, copywriting, painting, drawing, etc. These skills are indispensable and will, I am sure, give you an edge over your equals. if you sit at a place and wait for the world to resume, you might lose the competition when you finally meet your friends, all laced up with new skills.
Yes, you need to read wider. Not just your academic books. Read other books and broaden your intellectual horizon. Do not just kick the books away because no exam is coming up anytime soon. Think of a nice read and bury yourself in it. I’ll recommend you click here to check out some of the best books to read.
Deeper Research About Your Course Of Study!
Well, some people are not even familiar with what the future holds for them. They cannot categorically say what they want in the future. This is sad but true. This is a period to correct that. Do deep research on your course of study and find out things about it. Read about successful people and companies in the industry you are diving into. Get to know beyond the basics. Do not just settle with what you are taught in class. Seek for more!
Take Online Courses!
There are loads of free online courses out there, so you just don’t have any excuse. Visit Udemy, Google Online Courses, etc. You will see a broad list of free online courses. Enroll and be faithful to the attendance. You will be amazed as to how much you would learn for just doing that. While picking the new knowledge, try as much as possible to put them into practice. That is the best way to make them stick.
Work On Your Body
You’ve always complained of extraneous academic activities and the lack of time for gym and exercise. Well, you have all day now. Exercise is not only essential for your health but also a good method of relieving stress. Sitting at a spot everyday without doing exercise is dangerous. You wouldn’t want to resume school with pot-belly, would you? Let’s train those abs and get that body we have always wanted. More so, it is important you find time to bath; we know this is a lazy period, but bath brother, bath! Take care of your skin, do the laundry, and smell good. I am sorry for shaking your table, yes you!
Thanks for Reading. Do well to share and comment.
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