Veritas University School Fees
In case you still don’t know, Veritas University is a private University located in Abuja. It was established in 2007 and is Nigerian University Commission (NUS) accredited. The University admits students from all around Nigeria as it is located at the heart of the country. The University offers degrees in Management sciences, Natural and applied sciences, Education, Social Sciences and Humanities. See our article on courses offered in Veritas University to get a full list of all the accredited undergraduate programmes the University provides.
Categories of Veritas University School Fees
In this article, we would be looking out the school fees of all students (both new and returning students) in two (2) broad categories; Non-Science students and Science students.
Science students are all those in the Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, and those studying science courses in the Faculty of Education. All other students, that is, students in the faculty of Management Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and those studying non-science courses at The Faculty of Education are considered non-science students
Now that you are clear about all that, let us go straight into the breakdown of Veritas University School Fees
Breakdown of Veritas University School Fees for New Students Offering Non Science Courses
Tuition: N330,000
Registration: N2,400
Examination: N2,400
Medical: N20,000
Use of Library: N12,000
Information and Communication Technology Charges: N18,000
Sporting Activities: N2,000
Identity Card: N2,000
Pre-Alumni Levy: N1,000
Utility/Sundry Charges: N10,000
Verification of Credentials: N2,000
JAMB Administrative Charges: N1,000
Laboratory/Demonstration Fee: N5,000
Accommodation Fee: N120,000 for old hostel or N180,000 for the New Hostel
Matriculation Fee: N5,000
E-Campus: N5,000
Caution Fee: N20,000
Acceptance fee: N25,000
Development Levy: N65,000
Grand Total: N637,800 (for those who want to stay in the Old Hostel) or N697,800 (for those who want to stay in the New Hostel)
Breakdown of Veritas University School Fees for New Students Offering Science Courses
Tuition: N330,000
Registration: N2,400
Examination: N2,400
Medical: N20,000
Use of Library: N12,000
Information and Communication Technology Charges: N18,000
Sporting Activities: N2,000
Identity Card: N2,000
Pre-Alumni Levy: N1,000
Utility/Sundry Charges: N10,000
Verification of Credentials: N2,000
JAMB Administrative Charges: N1,000
Laboratory/Demonstration Fee: N25,000
Accommodation Fee: N120,000 for old hostel or N180,000 for the New Hostel
Matriculation Fee: N5,000
E-Campus: N5,000
Caution Fee: N20,000
Acceptance fee: N25,000
Development Levy: N65,000
Grand Total: N657,800 (for those who want to stay in the Old Hostel) or N717,800 (for those who want to stay in the New Hostel)
Breakdown of Veritas University School Fees for Returning Students Offering Non Science Courses
Tuition: N300,000
Registration: N2,400
Examination: N2,400
Medical: N20,000
Use of Library: N12,000
Information and Communication Technology Charges: N20,000
Sporting Activities: N2,000
Identity Card: N2,000
Utility/Sundry Charges: N10,000
Laboratory/Demonstration Fee: N5,000
Accommodation Fee: N120,000 for old hostel or N180,000 for the New Hostel
E-Campus: N5,000
Development Levy: N65,000
Entrepreneur Fee: N25,000
Grand Total: N590,800 (for those who want to stay in the Old Hostel) or N650,800 (for those who want to stay in the New Hostel)
Breakdown of Veritas University School Fees for Returning Students Offering Science Courses
Tuition: N300,000
Registration: N2,400
Examination: N2,400
Medical: N20,000
Use of Library: N12,000
Information and Communication Technology Charges: N20,000
Sporting Activities: N2,000
Identity Card: N2,000
Utility/Sundry Charges: N10,000
Laboratory/Demonstration Fee: N25,000
Accommodation Fee: N120,000 for old hostel or N180,000 for the New Hostel
E-Campus: N5,000
Development Levy: N65,000
Entrepreneur Fee: N25,000
Grand Total: N610,800 (for those who want to stay in the Old Hostel) or N670,800 (for those who want to stay in the New Hostel)
Other Fees for all Students
Veritas University promotes Entrepreneurship spirit in its students. So, in addition to the academic courses taken, it is necessary that the students take up the following certificate courses:
Cisco Training: N15,000
Microsoft Technology Associate Training (MTA): N15,000
Oracle Training: N15,000
Teaching Practice (Education Students): N10,000
Teachers Registration for 400 level Education: N15,000
Entrepreneurship on Skill Acquisition: N25,000
All fees are to be paid to the University’s account which is outlined in Veritas University’s Official Website. This is designed to help parents and aspirants on the financial implications of studying in Veritas University.
If you need more updated information about Veritas University School Fees, Kindly contact us or send a message via the comment section.
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