IT Report Format For 300 and 400 Level Students: Logbook Tips Included
Internship is a compulsory exercise for some courses in all Universities in Nigeria. One of the requirements for the fulfilment of the internship exercise is the Internship Report. All students are expected to present a report of the knowledge they acquired during the internship exercise. We have put together a detailed format of how to write a good report. Some tips about your log book is also shared at the end of the article. Enjoy!
Standard Format for Report Writing
- Page: Page should be of A4 size
- Font: The recommended font type and size are Times New Roman and Size 12.
- Justification: the whole document should be fully justified
- Spacing: the body of the report should have 1.5 line spacing
- Margin: 3cm all round
- Paragraphs and sections: extra blank line before and after every section and subsection. Paragraphs must be separated by blank line. Paragraph must be justified
- Headings & Subheading: All subheadings and their subheading should be properly formatted.
- Punctuation, spelling and grammar check. Use correct punctuation marks, spelling and grammar should be accurate
- Page Numbering: all pages before chapter one should be given in roman numerals. First page of chapter one should start with 1.
- Figures and table labelling
- Spiral bond
Preliminary Pages
- Title Page
- Declaration
- Letter of Certification
- Acknowledgements
- Abstract/Executive Summary (it summarizes the body of the report, outlining its scope, purpose and major findings, highlighting the key conclusions and recommendations)
- Table of Contents
- List of Tables and Figures 1mk
- Abbreviations and key words
Chapter One: Introduction
- Brief introduction about the SIWES, aims and objectives
- Organization history: this section should give a brief history of the Organisation, nature of the Organisation, products or services of the Organisation, business volume, number of employees etc).
- Organogram and responsibilities: this shows the pyramid of the Organisation and relative responsibilities of major positions.
- Summary of Intern’s role/responsibilities and activities: this section should highlight the intern’s role, specific schedule and type of work done, when and how the intern fit into the overall organisation structure.
Chapter Two: Detailed Intern’s Role/Responsibilities And Daily Activities
This section gives a detailed account of the day-to-day activities of the workplace. This section is descriptive and factual, saving evaluation and analysis for the subsequent section.
- Intern’s role/responsibilities and activities: list and describes in details all activities throughout the six months internship.
- This may be chronological, describing what the student did in the order it was done or
- By skill group, describing, for example, the planning jobs, then the design jobs and finally the execution jobs.
- Or order of importance, beginning with the lower level tasks and working toward the more challenging and larger projects.
- It is important to highlight Intern’s/Student’s involvement
Chapter Three: Discussion, Analysis And Evaluation
- Analyze experience gained and what he learnt during the internship (each job, section or department) to reflect on professional identity and practice in work places, as well as the nature and quality of job or service.
- Analysis and description of tools and equipment used
- Analyze problems encountered and how it was solved.
Chapter Four: Conclusion, Limitations And Recommendations
- Conclusion: findings of the intern.
- Limitations: identify limitations in the utilization of the instruments and tools, and procedures for carrying out the jobs. Also in the course of the Internship.
- Recommendations: Recommendations based on the limitations.
Tips on Filling Logbook
- In filling your day to day activities, you should report the tasks carried out that day e.g. inspection and repair of faulty equipments. You can also state the name of the machine in that case. You should try not to make it personal by always starting with “I”.
- For days when it seems you might not have work you should try to research on something at least learn something new, so that in you report you can just fill “research on (what you researched on) “.
- Lastly start filling your logbook and get it signed as this will also increase your marks when supervisors come to your place of attachment.
We do hope you found this article informative. Don’t forget to check out other articles here.
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