UNILORIN Dress Code: Acceptable & Unacceptable Modes of Dressing
The University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) is determined to continue to impact positively on its students not only intellectually but also morally in pursuit of its avowed commitment to the development of TOTAL MAN. To this end, it will award its degrees to only deserving students who have been found worthy not only in learning but also in character. Students are therefore strongly advised to exhibit good behaviour and dress decently at all times. The UNILORIN dress code has been drafted out henceforth.
Male Students Should Note That:
- The hair should be neat and well combed at all time;
- The hair should not be coloured (except it is natural colour);
- The hair should be well kept and groomed always;
- The haircuts should not carry inscriptions;
- Curled hair is not acceptable;
- Artificial dreadlocks, plaiting, weaving o braiding of hair are not acceptable; and
- Beards must be well kept.
Female Students Should Note That:
- Weaving, plaiting, braiding, fixing and wigs are acceptable;
- Hair extensions with colours such as; Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Red, Pink, and Purple or a combination of any of these colours are not acceptable;
- Hair must be neatly packed and weaved;
- The hairstyle should not carry inscriptions;
- All wears must be below the knee level;
- Pencil trousers are allowed but must be complemented with tops that cover the butt line; and
- All traditional and corporate wears that do not reveal sensitive parts of the body are acceptable.
The mode of dressing of a student speaks volumes about him or her. In other words, one’s appearance influences people’s perception of one’s person. Students should, therefore, always dress responsibly to command respect. All students must refrain from wearing Indecent Clothing if they must be accorded respect and protect their dignity.
Every student must hang Student I.D. Card on his/her neck.
Unacceptable Wears
You are hereby required to note that the following constitute an inappropriate mode of dressing that will not be tolerated in the University environment (including Lecture Halls, Library, Laboratories, Examination Venues, Seminar Rooms, Faculties and Administrative building as well as in University Vehicles):
- Dress that exposes any sensitive parts of the body e.g. cleavage, chest, back, navel, thigh and armpit (clothes that reveal the armpits when hands are raised e.g. sleeveless/half sleeves);
- Tight-fitting wears;
- Transparent/See Through Wears;
- Tattered Jeans/Ripped Jeans;
- T-shirts with obscene inscriptions, depicting immorality, hooliganism, etc.;
- Indelible markings and body tattoos by male students;
- Leggings/Jeggings trousers with a short top;
- Skimpy dresses e.g. Spaghetti, Camisole only, body hugs, topless blouse and shorts;
- Knickers;
- Bathroom slippers not acceptable within the administrative and academic areas;
- Heavy make-ups;
- Sagging trousers;
- Wearing of earrings by male students;
- Rumpled and dirty clothes;
- Skin/ear piercing by male students;
- Dread, Galax, Fadeoutand Rough Coil Haircuts, Unkempt Appearance; and
- Hair plaiting or weaving by male students.
Some Faculties and Departments have prescribed Dress Codes for their students. Students in such Faculties or Departments are expected to comply with such Codes.
The way you dress determines the way you are addressed.
Also Read:
UNILORIN Post-UTME/Direct Entry Screening Form 2020
UNIUYO Certificate & Diploma Admission Form 2020/2021 Session
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